Prof. Emeritus Ranon Katzoff
Personal: Born, Philadelphia PA, 1938; married, four children; Citizenship: U.S. and Israel
1960 B.A., Classics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
1962 M.A., Classics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
1964 Ordination and B.H.L., Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, Illinois
1968 Ph.D., Greek and Latin, Columbia University, New York
Full time teaching appointments:
1968 71 City College, City University of New York, Assistant Professor
1971 2006, Bar Ilan University, Senior Lecturer to Full Professor
Research appointments:
1983 86 Institute for the Study of Jewish Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Associate Professor
1984 85 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., Member
1997 University of Michigan, Visiting Scholar
2002-03 Yale Univesity, Visiting Fellow
Juvenal (46-226-01)
"The Provincial Edict in Egypt," Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 37 (1969) 414 37
Report on American Publications in Roman Law, 1967 68, Index, International Survey of Roman Law 1 (1970) 75 96
Review of Daube, Aspects of Roman Law, in New York Law Forum 16 (1970) 296 302
"Afes Zecharia," Sinai 67 (1970) 64 (Hebrew)
"BGU 19 and the Law of Representation in Succession," Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Papyrology (Toronto 1970) 239 42
"Judicial Reasoning in PCatt: Fraus Legi," Transactions of the American Philological Association 101 (1971) 241 52
Report on American Publication in Roman Law, 1969, Index 2 (1971) 22 25
"The Case of Granius Marcellus: Tacitus Annales 1.74," American Journal of Philology 92 (1971) 680 84
"Precedents in the Courts of Roman Egypt," Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (Romanistische Abteilung) 89 (1972) 256 92
Report on American Publication in Roman Law, Index 3 (1972) 5 14
Review of Martini, Ricerche in tema di editto provinciale in Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 40 (1972) 565 70
"Where was Agrippina Murdered?" Historia 22 (1973) 72 78
Review of Daube Noster, ed. Watson, in Israel Law Review 11 (1976) 426 32
"The Validity of Prefectural Edicts in Roman Egypt," Bar Ilan Studies in History (Ramat Gan, Israel 1978) 45 53
"Sources of Law in Roman Egypt: The Role of the Prefect," Aufstieg und Niedergang der römische Welt II 13 (1980) 807 44
"On the Intended Use of P.Col. 123," Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Papyrology (Chico, CA 1981) 559 73
Review of Rabello, Efffetti personali della patria potestas in Israel Law Review 16 (1981) 530 44
"Responsa Prudentium in Roman Egypt," Studi in onore di Arnaldo Biscardi II (Milan 1982) 523 35
"Prefectural Edicts and Letters," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 48 (1982) 209 17
"Comment on Gulak's Article [Justinian Caesar's Novella No. 97 and its Talmudic Antecedents]," Annual of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 9/10 (1982-83) 15 28 (Hebrew)
"Jonathan and Late Sparta," American Journal of Philology 106 (1985) 485 89
"Donatio ante nuptias and Jewish Dowry Additions," in Naphtali Lewis, ed., Papyrology (Yale Classical Studies 28) (Cambridge 1985) 231 44
"Law as Katholikos," Studies in Roman Law in Memory of A. Arthur Schiller, edd. R. S. Bagnall and W. V. Harris (Leiden 1986) 119 26
"Suffragium in Exodus Rabbah 37.2," Classical Philology 81 (1986) 235 40
"Where Did Greeks of the Roman Period Practice Wrestling?" American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986) 437 40
Review of Daniel Sperber, A Dictionary of Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature ([Ramat Gan] 1984) in Dine Israel 13 14 (1986 88) 327 35 (Hebrew)
"Part II: Legal Commentary," in N. Lewis, R. Katzoff, and J. Greenfield, "Papyrus Yadin 18," Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987) 229 50 at 236 47
Review of Kirschenbaum, Sons, Slaves and Freedmen in Roman Commerce (Jerusalem and Washington 1987) in Iyunei Mishpat (1988) (Hebrew)
Review of Oxyrhynchus Papyri LV in Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 25 (1988) 157 68
"Sperber's Dictionary of Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature A Review Essay," Journal for the Study of Judaism 20 (1989) 195 206
"Understanding P.Ness 18," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 84 (1990) 211 13, with Naphtali Lewis
"A Gift After Death from the Judean Desert," Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem 1989: Division C, Volume I (Jerusalem 1990) 1 8 (Hebrew)
"Papyrus Yadin 18 Again: A Rejoinder," Jewish Quarterly Review 82 (1991) 171 76
"Roman Edicts and Ta'anit 29a," Classical Philology 88 (1993) 141 144
"On the Office of Defensor in Palestine and Egypt During the Third Century C.E.," with Daniel Sperber, in Saul Lieberman Memorial Volume ed. Shamma Friedman (New York and Jerusalem 1993) 1* 11*
"An Interpretation of P.Yadin 19: A Jewish Gift after Death," Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23-29 August, 1992, ed. Adam Bülow-Jacobsen (Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 1994) 562-565
"Hellenistic Marriage Documents," in M. Geller & H. Maehler, ed., Legal Documents of the Hellenistic World (London 1995) 37-45
"Polygamy in P.Yadin?" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 109 (1995) 128-132
"Philo and Hillel on Violation of Betrothal in Alexandria," The Jews in the Hellenistic-Roman World. Studies in Memory of Menachem Stern, eds. I. M. Gafni, A. Oppenheimer, D. R. Schwartz (Jerusalem 1996) 39*-57*
"Greek and Jewish Marriage Formulas," in Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg, eds. R. Katzoff with Y. Petroff & D. Schaps (Ramat Gan 1996) 223-234
"Age at Marriage of Jewish Girls During the Talmudic Period," in Mordechai A. Friedman, ed., Marriage and the Family in Halakha and Jewish Thought = Te'udah 13 (1997) 9-18 (Hebrew)
"On Fasting on the Sabbath," Sinai 119 (1997) 185-186 (Hebrew)
"Week and Sabbath in Judaean Desert Documents," Scripta Classica Israelica 17 (1998) 102-114 (with Bertram M. Schreiber)
Review of Cotton and Yardeni, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documents from Nahal Hever (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXVII), in Scripta Classica Israelica 19 (2000) 316-327
"Babatha," Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York, Oxford University Press, 2000)
"Contracts," Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York, Oxford University Press, 2000)
"Oral Establishment of Dowry in Jewish and Roman Law: d'varim haniknim ba'amira and dotis dictio," Critical Studies in Ancient Law, Comparative Law & Legal History. Essays in Honour of Alan Watson, edd. John Cairns & Olivia Robinson (Oxford and Portland 2001) 157-171
"Oral Establishment of Dowry in Jewish and Roman Law: d'varim haniknim ba'amira and dotis dictio," (revised version of previous item) in L.H. Schiffman (ed.), A Climate of Creativity: Semitic Papyrology in Context (Leiden: Brill, 2003) 145-164
"Children of Intermarriage: Roman and Jewish Conceptions," in Catherine Hezser (ed.), Rabbinic Law in its Roman and Near Eastern Context. TSAJ, (Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, 2003) 277-286
"Introduction", with David Schaps, in Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert, Edited by Ranon Katzoff and David Schaps (Leiden 2005) 1-6
"On P.Yadin 37 = P.Hever 65," in Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert, Edited by Ranon Katzoff and David Schaps (Leiden 2005) 133-144
"ðåöøéí çãùéí – çáøåú éùðä" ( = "New Christians and Old Fellowships (Havurot) [I Corinthians 7:12-14]") áîùòåìé òáø éäåãé îç÷øéí åæëøåðåú ìëáåãå ùì ã"ø öáé âñèåéøè ( = Along the Paths of Jewish History. Research and Reminiscences in Honor of Dr. Zvi Gastwirth), Eds. Zion Ukashy, Sigalit Rosmarin, Israel Rozenson (Hebrew)(Jerusalem 2006) 143-153
"äìëåú øáé àìéòæø áøåîà äòúé÷ä" ("The Laws of Rabbi Eliezer in Ancient Rome"), in úåøä ìùîä. îç÷øéí áîãòé äéäãåú ìëáåã ôøåôñåø ùîà ôøéãîï Essays in Jewish Studies in Honor of Professor Shamma Friedman, ed. David Golinkin et al., (Jerusalem 2007) 344-357 (Hebrew)
"P.Yadin 21 and Rabbinic Law on Widows' Rights " Jewish Quarterly Review 97.4 (Fall 2007) 545-575
Legal Documents of the Talmud in Light of Greek Papyri and Greek and Roman Law, by A. Gulak (translation of A. Gulak, Das Urkundenwesen im Talmud im Lichte der griechisch aegyptischen Papyri und des griechischen und roemischen Rechts), edited with supplementary notes by Ranon Katzoff (Jerusalem, Magnes Press for The Institute for the Study of Jewish Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994) (Hebrew)
Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg, Edited by Ranon Katzoff, with Yaakov Petroff and David Schaps (Ramat Gan 1996)
Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert, Edited by Ranon Katzoff and David Schaps (Leiden, Brill 2005)
Last Updated Date : 26/02/2024