Dr. Ariadne Konstantinou
Dr. Ariadne Konstantinou is a Greek-Israeli classicist and a senior faculty member in the Department of Classical Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. She began her studies in her hometown at the Department of Philology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and completed her PhD in Classical Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with fellowships from the Onassis Foundation and the Hebrew University ("President’s Fellow"). She was awarded postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Toronto in Canada, and at Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan Universities in Israel. Her research focuses on ancient Greek mythology and religion, on women in antiquity, as well as on Homer and tragedy. More recently, she also worked on Classical Reception and is also now engaged in a research project in Modern Greek Studies. She has published several articles in academic journals and in edited volumes, as well as the monograph Female Mobility and Gendered Space in Ancient Greek Myth (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018).
For an updated list of publications, please visit: https://biu.academia.edu/AriadneKonstantinou
- Greek and Latin language, literature and culture
- Modern Greek language and culture
- Greek epic poetry and tragedy
- Classical mythology & religions in antiquity
- Women & gender in antiquity
- Mobility and space
- Classical Reception Studies
- Text and image (especially Attic vases)
- Greek social history
Courses on Modern Greece offered via the Salti Institute for Ladino Studies (http://www.ladinobiu.co.il/)
- The Jewish World and its Representation in Modern Greek Literature (2022-3, winter)
- Panorama on Modern Greece: History, national identity, language, and culture (2020-21, 2021–2, spring)
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Advanced Greek (2022-3, annual)
- Homeric Hymns, taught in English (2022–3, spring)
- Easy Greek Poetry: epic, lyric, tragedy (2022–3, spring)
- Greek and Roman Mythology
- Modern Greek for Beginners, A1
- Modern Greek, A2
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Euripides, Medea (2021-2, spring)
- Colloquium in Classical Studies, for MA and PhD students
- Modern Greek for Beginners, A1
- Modern Greek, A2+ (2021–2, spring)
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Homer in Greek (2020-21, spring)
- Women and femininity in ancient Greece: Stereotypes and reality (spring)
- Modern Greek, A2 (annual)
- Greek and Roman Mythology
- Gender and space in ancient Greece (seminar)
- Modern Greek for Beginners, A1
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature
- Herodotus (in Greek)
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Thucydides (in Greek)
- Women in ancient Greek: Stereotypes and Reality
- Greek Tragedy and Comedy, seminar (spring)
- Intermediate Greek: Greek epic poetry (spring)
- Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion (winter)
- Intermediate Greek: Attic Orators: Lysias (winter)
- Goddesses, Heroines, and Women in Greek Literature (spring)
- Hymns, Gods and Ritual in Ancient Greece (winter)
- Greek for Beginners (annual)
- Greek for Beginners (2014-15, annual)
Konstantinou, Ariadne, Female Mobility and Gendered Space in Ancient Greek Myth, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. xiii, 189. Hardcover and e-book: 2018. Paperback edition: 2019.
Reviews: CJ-Online, 2018.09.08 (A. Skouroumouni Stavrinou); BMCR, 2018.11.29 (P. A. Bernardini); Greece & Rome 65 (2018), 282–9 at 287–8 (I. Petrovic); Eos CVI (2018), 145–8 (B. Bednarek); Classical World 112 (2019), 232–2 (K. Gilhuly); American Journal of Philology 140 (2019), 367–9 (V. Zajko); Classical Review 69.2 (2019), 522–3 (D. Burton); Journal of Hellenic Studies 139 (2019), 250–1 (E. Bridges); Kernos 32 (2019), 352–4 (M. Augier)
Articles (in journals and edited books)
1. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Divine even if not Olympian: The mobility of Thetis in the Iliad,” in The Staying Power of Thetis: Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century, eds. M. Paprocki, G. Vos, and D.J. Wright (eds.), 75–86, De Gruyter, 2023 (in press).
2. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Modern Greek ‘Prehistory’: Ancient Greek myth and Mycenaean civilization in Modern Greek education,” in Our Mythical Education, L. Maurice (ed.), 47–66, Warsaw University Press, 2021.
3. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Ares and the Danaids in Aeschylus’ Suppliants,” Classical World 114 (2020), 25–38.
4. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Excerpting practices and the interpretation of Greek myth: Melanion and Timon in Aristophanes,” Hermes 148 (2020), 457–69.
5. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “‘To the mountain:’ The ritual space of maenadism in the Athenian imaginary,” in Ascending and Descending the Acropolis: Movement in Athenian Religion, W. Friese, S. Handberg, and T.M. Kristensen (eds.), 145–60, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 23, Aarhus, 2019.
6. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Herodotus on stage: The Modern Greek play Candaules’ Wife by Margarita Liberaki,” in The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory, L. Maurice and E. Almagor (eds.), 77–99, Leiden, 2017.
7. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Hestia and Eos: Mapping female mobility and sexuality in Greek mythic thought,” American Journal of Philology 137 (2016), 1–24.
8. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Reconsidering the metamorphosis of Io: On texts, images and dates,” Symbolae Osloenses 89 (2015), 35–53.
9. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “Tradition and innovation in Greek tragedy’s mythological exempla,” The Classical Quarterly 65 (2015), 476–88.
10. Konstantinou, Ariadne, “The lioness imagery in Greek tragedy,” Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica 101 (2012), 125–41.
Book Reviews
1. Konstantinou, Ariadne, Review of H. M. Roisman, Tragic Heroines in Ancient Greek Drama (London, 2021), Classical Review 72.1 (2022), 42–44.
2. Konstantinou, Ariadne, Review of J. Neils, Women in the Ancient World (Los Angeles, 2011), Scripta Classica Israelica 33 (2014), 333–5.
For an updated list of publications, please visit: https://biu.academia.edu/AriadneKonstantinou
Last Updated Date : 19/11/2024