The Department of Classical Studies

Ancient Wisdom with Modern Techniques

The astonishing intellectual, literary, artistic and scientific achievements of the Greeks and Romans were unsurpassed for two millennia. Forgotten in the middle ages, they were rediscovered in the Renaissance and formed the basis for the flowering of western culture. They are still an inexhaustible source of insight on the human condition and the world we inhabit.

The Department of Classical Studies offers B. A., M.A., and Ph.D. degree programs that cover all facets of the Greco-Roman world and tradition; and it is the only department in the world to do so from the standpoint of religious Judaism, without compromising intellectual rigor and objectivity.

Students with a degree in Classical Studies can take their place in the workforce as people of proven ability, breadth, and originality, capable of dealing with the problems of any job from a long perspective and a wide background.



Because of the Excellent Academic Level and Unique Atmosphere

Because of Our Diverse Study Tracks

Because of the Multitude of Conferences and Seminars

Because of the Fascinating Course Offerings

Because We Provide the Modern Perspective on the Ancient World