Dr. Chava Korzakova
Mail: P.O.B. 798, Kirjat-Arba, 90100; tel. 972-2-9962994 (not in Shabbat).
E-Mail: Chava.Korzakova@biu.ac.il Birth Date and Place: 31.01.1969, Leningrad, Russia. Repatriation Date: 23.05.1991. Family situation: divorced, 3 children. Personal Story In 988 CE the prince of Kiev, Vladimir the Red Sun (Krasnoje Solnyshko), has chosen Christianity instead of Judaism. Therefore, in 1969, I was born into a Russian family, in Leningrad, USSR. I graduated in Classical studies at the Leningrad State University, and studied poetry in the studio of the known Leningrad poet Viacheslav Leikin. At the same time, I studied, and later taught, Hebrew and Jewish tradition in the Open Jewish University of Leningrad. I converted to Judaism in 1990 and in 1991 I completed my MA studies and repatriated to Israel. Five months later my first son, Jakov Josef, was born in Jerusalem. My twins Avraham Avihai and Amalia Sara were born in 2003, also in Jerusalem. Now Jakov Josef is serving in the IDF. Education: M.A. in Classics from Leningrad State University, 1991 (graduation paper "On Philo's De gigantibus"; diploma cum laude); Ph.D. Dissertation (Bar Ilan University, 2003, with highest distinction): "Edicts of the Roman prefects of Egypt on Papyrus". Professional Experience: taught Ancient Greek, Hebrew and Jewish tradition in Jewish Open University in Leningrad (1988-1991); in Israel: worked as science assistant in Yad Ben Zvi Institute (with Prof. Reuven Bonfil), Hebrew University in Jerusalem (with Prof. Yoseph Jahalom), Bar-Ilan University (with Prof. David M. Schaps and Prof. Ranon Katzoff), Antiquities Authority (with Prof. Amos Kloner). Worked as a translator for the "Israel Joint" and other organizations. From 1994 till now teaching in Bar-Ilan University. Courses taught: "Classical Metrics" (1996/97); "Homer's Iliad" (1997/98); "Poet and Politics" (1998/99); "Philo Alexandrinus" (1998/99); "Love poetry in Greece and Rome" (1999/2000); "Latin for beginners" (1999/2000, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06); "Ovid in Latin" (2000/01, 2005/06); "Homer in Greek" (2001/02, 2003/04, 2004/05); "Medieval Latin" (2001/02, 2010/11); "Petronius" (2001/02); "Greek lyric poetry in translation" (2002/03); "Hesiod in translation" (2003/04); "Hesiod in Greek" (2003/04); "Ovid on love in translation" (2005/06); "Latin lyric poetry" (2006/07, 2008/09, 2010/11); "Classic tradition in Western Cuture" (2006/07, 2009/10); "Comedy and lyric poetry in Rome" (2006/07); "Epos and lyric poetry in Greek" (2007/08); "Tragedy and comedy in Greek" (2007/08, 2009/10); "Advanced Latin" (2007/08, 2008/09); "Latin orators and prose writers" (2007/08); "Troy war poems and the Archaic Era in Greece" (2007/08); "Ethics, jurisdiction and private letters in Rome" (2007/08, 2009/10); "Greek orators" (2008/09); "Latin Epics" (2008/09); "Greek and Roman Mythology in translation" (2008/09); "Heroic and scientific poetry in Rome" (2008/09, 2010/11); "Lucretius in Latin" (2011/11); "Love poetry in Rome in translation" (2010/11). For several years I have had a Weekly column "Curious lessons" in Hebrew Language and Literature in "Vesti-Jerusalem" (newspaper in Russian). |
Greek Historian (46-181-01)
Roman Epic (46-683-01)
Greek Orators (46-182-01)
Roman Comedy and Lyric poetry (46-684-01)
“The phenomenon of anachoresis in edicts of Roman prefects in Egypt” (in Mouseion, Festschrift to Prof. A.I.Zaicev, Sankt-Petersburg 1997, Pp. 189-195);
“On one epithet in Sappho” (in: Linguistica et Philologica, Festschrift to Prof. J.V.Otkupschikov, Sankt-Petersburg 1999, pp. 288-290);
"Love Inscription from the Funeral Cave in Maresha" (in: Hyperboreus, In memoriam A.I. Zaicev, no. 7 fasc. 1-2, 2001, pp. 185-194, English summary pp. 194-195);
"An Inscribed Palestinian Weight Mentioning the Emperor Claudius”, with A. Kloner and A. Kushnir-Stern, IEJ 58, 2008, pp. 195-199.
“The first poetry”. Iton-77 # 240, 2000, pp. 21-23 (Hebrew; published also in Russian in "Ierusalimsky almanach");
“The enigma of Psalms, 20”. In: Jerusalem Review # 1, 1999, pp. 172-211 (Russian).
The Literature of Agada (Anthology of Agadic literature in Russian) (with Joseph Begun). Daat, Jerusalem-Moskow, 2000. 384 pp.
“Edicts of Roman Prefects of Egypt” Thesis submitted for the degree Doctor of Philosophy, Bar Ilan University, June 2002, 429 pp. (Hebrew with English summary)
(with highest distinction).
“Maresha Excavations. Final Report I”. A. Kloner. Jerusalem 2003, 184 pp. (contributor).
Maresha Excavations. Final Report III. Ed. Amos Kloner, Esther Eshel, Hava B. Korzakova, and Gerald Finkielsztejn. Jerusalem, IAA, 2010:
Chapter 3. Greek Ostraca and Graffiti (pp. 89-146.)
Chapter 4. The Inscribed Altars (pp. 147-149)
Chapter 5. The Lead Sling Bullets (pp. 151-153)
Chapter 6. Astragali (pp. 155-157)
Chapter 7. Lead Weights from Maresha (pp. 159-173)
Chapters "Inscriptions from Bet Govrin", "Bet Govrin Ostraca", “Era Europolitana”; in M. Kohen et al. Bet Govrin Excavations. Final Report. IAA (will be published presumably in 2012).
Chapters "Papyrus 16024" and "Papyrus 21400" in BGU (will be published presumably in 2013).
Last Updated Date : 15/01/2025