Dr. Stephanie Binder
Curriculum Vitae
Personal: Birth: 12.02.1983. Married +2.
2010-13 Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities, Post-doctorate.
2009-10 Kibbutzim College of Education, Teaching certificate for high-schools.
2005-2009 Bar-Ilan University, Department of Classical Studies, direct Ph.D. program.
2005-2008 Bar-Ilan University, Institute for Advanced Torah Studies, Talmudic studies in a special program for outstanding female doctoral students.
2001-2004 Bar-Ilan University, Classical Studies, BA. Summa cum laude.
2001-2004 Bar-Ilan University, Studies in the Institute for Advanced Torah Studies.
2001 French Baccalauréat section philosophy, literature, languages (specialisation: Latin) with honours (after studies in Jean de La Fontaine in Paris)
1998 French Brevet (BEPC)
1997 End of school at Maimonides-Rambam, Paris, France
2014 Tertullian in Face of Romanisation
2012-present Language: the Greek and Latin words in the Talmud in English translation in the Steinsaltz English edition.
2010-2013 post-doctorate: "Roman Authors on the Jews and their History", under the supervision of Prof. Bezalel Bar-Kochva (the research is funded by the Israel Science Foundation).
2009-2010 research on "The Image of the Jews as a Tool in the Rhetorical and Apologetic Frameworks of Pagan-Christian Polemics".
2005-2009 Ph.D. dissertation: “Tertullian’s De Idolatria and Massekhet Avodah Zarah: The Parting of the Ways?”, under the supervision of Professor Ranon Katzoff (Classical Studies) and Professor Albert Baumgarten (Ancient Jewish History).
Prizes and scholarships:
2011-2013 Tel-Aviv University Postdoctoral Fellowship.
2010-11 Yad ben Zvi Postdoctoral Fellowship.
V.A.T.A.T (The Planning and Budgeting Committee for higher education)
Postdoctoral Scholarship.
2009-10 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Fellowship, New-York.
2005-2008 President’s Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence, Bar-Ilan University.
2005-2008 Institute for Advanced Torah Studies Fellowship, Bar-Ilan University, for outstanding female doctoral students.
2004 Dean’s List, Faculty of the Humanities.
2003 Rector’s award for the best student of the Faculty of the Humanities, Bar-Ilan University.
Teaching experience:
2010-2014 Bar-Ilan University, Department of Classical Studies.
2009-10 Mikve Israel French-Israeli high-school, Latin, and Jewish Studies teacher, seventh grade educator.
2007-10 Yeshivat Bar-Ilan, High-School, Tel-Aviv, Talmud teacher
International Conferences:
The Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies 40th annual congress: "A Gallo-Roman Historian from the Time of Augustus on the Origins of the People of Israel and its Government".
The sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies: "Flavius Josephus on the Dead Sea: Sources and Information".
Activities within the community:
2011-2012 member of the "Comité Enseignement-Education" of the Fédération Israélienne Francophone.
2003 Civil service “Chakhak” in a center for autistic adults in Kfar Ofarim, Israel
2000-2001 Responsible for Bnei Akiva Centre in Boulogne-Billancourt, France, educational movement for Jewish youth
1997-1999 Responsible for groups within the Bnei Akiva Center
French- mother tongue
Hebrew- mother tongue level
English- reading, speaking, writing
German- level of French Baccalauréat (five years of studies)
Ancient Greek
Talmudic Aramaic
Italian - reading
Early Christianity, Ancient Judaism, Rabbinism, interaction between Jews, Christians and pagans, Greek and Latin authors on Jews and Judaism
Augustan Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism
Language: Latin for advanced students (2009-12/2019)
Latin for beginners (2019)
Livy, Virgil, Cicero, Roman poets, Roman historians in Latin
Herodotus, Homer, Plato in Greek
Nicolaus of Damascus, Flavius Josephus (2020)
Themes: Greeks and Jews: echoes and testimonies (2009/10; 2015/6; 2019/20)
Eretz Israel in Greek and Latin literature (2017)
Moral, law and personal letters in the Ancient world (2013/4; 2017/8; 2020/1)
Roman Historians (2013/4)
Alexander the Great: history and legend (2019)
Cicero in translation (2018)
Plutarch in translation (2019)
The wise Roman’s toolbox (2021)
Seminars: Academic writing (2015/6; 2017/8; 2019/20; 2020/1)
The longing for the Past (2017/8); Flavius Josephus: the man, his sources and his lifetime achievement (2018/9); Ancient Greco-Roman Religion from Stone-Worship to Christianity (2021)
List of Publications and Lectures in Conferences:
S. Binder, Tertullian, On Idolatry and Mishnah Avodah Zarah. Questioning the Parting of the Ways between Christians and Jews (Leiden, 2012), 258 pp.
1. S. Binder, "De la septième Lettre à Lucilius de Sénèque au De Spectaculis de Tertullien, échos et influences", Folia Electronica Classica 17 (2009).
An earlier English version can be found on the website of the University of Wales: "Tertullian’s ‘Epistula Moralis’ to Lucilius? A Note on Senecan Influence in Tertullian's De Spectaculis", Binder (2009). Version 1_July, Lampeter Working Papers in Classics
2. S. Binder, "Jewish-Christian Contacts in the Second and Third Centuries C.E.? The Case of Carthage; Tertullian and the Mishnah's Views on Idolatry", in Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity, D. Jaffé ed. (Leiden, 2010) 187-230.
3. S. Binder, "La digression de Trogue Pompée-Justin (XXXVI, 1.9-3.8) sur le peuple juif et sa terre – Texte et commentaire", Folia Electronica Classica 27 (2014) 30 pp.
4. B. Bar-Kochva, S. Binder, "Flavius Josephus on the Dead Sea: Sources and Information", Eretz Israel 31 [Netzer Book] (2014) 38-44 (Hebrew).
5. S. Binder, B. Bar-Kochva, "A Problematic Sentence in Justin-Pompeius Trogus' Historiae Philippicae", When West Met East, Festschrift in Honor of Professor Ranon Katzoff, Graeca Tergestina: Storia e Civiltà (Triest, 2015) 225-231.
6. B. Bar-Kochva, S. Binder, "Pompeius Trogus' Strange Passage on the Dead-Sea", Cathedra 158 (2015) 7-32 (Hebrew).
7. V. Hunink, S. Binder, "Tertullian", in Oxford Bibliographies in Classics. Ed. Dee Clayman. (New York, 2016; http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195389661/obo-9780195389661-0233.xml?rskey=vYuuy3&result=204)
8. S. Binder, "Tertullien face à la romanisation de l’Afrique du Nord ; Une discussion de quelques aspects", Studia Patristica 94 (2017) 29-45.
9. S. Binder, M. Lazar, E. Nantet, "Measurements of the Dead Sea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods; Confronting Greek and Latin Sources with Modern Physiographical Data", Israel Exploration Journal 69.2 (2019) 175-194.
Accepted for Publication:
10. S. Binder, "Jewish Communities in North Africa", Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. Catherine Hezser (ed.).
11. S. Binder, Tertullien et moi. (Book in French; Éditions du Cerf).
12. S. Binder, "Judaeo-Hellenism", Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.
13. S. Binder, "Contre Apion I. 183-205 ; II. 43. Quelle audience pour les passages attribués à Hécatée ?", in: Social History of the Jews in Antiquity: Studies in Dialogue with Albert Baumgarten's Work, Michal Bar-Asher Siegal and Jonathan Ben-Dov (eds.).
14. S. Binder, "A first look at Nicolaus of Damascus’s Autobiographical Passages", Teuda 33
15. S. Binder, Introduction to Bezalel Bar-Kochva’s Festschrift, Teuda 33
16. S. Binder, "On Prof. Bar-Kochva and his Scientific Achievement", Teuda 33
In preparation:
17. Translation of Nicolaus of Damascus into Hebrew.
Reviews of books:
18. S. Binder, "John Taylor, Classics and the Bible: Hospitality and Recognition, Reviewed", The Ancient History Bulletin 23 (2009).
19. S. Binder, "Dunn, Geoffrey D., Tertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos: A Rhetorical Analysis. Reviewed", Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.02.07.
20. S. Binder, "Rutgers: Making Myths: Jews in Early Christian Identity Formation, Reviewed", Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2010.04.12.
21. S. Binder, Review of Eyal Regev’s The Hasmoneans, Scripta Classica Israelica (2016) 148-150.
22. Review of Jonathan Bourgel’s D’une identité à l’autre, Enoch Seminar Online (8/10/16; http://enochseminar.org/review/10393).
Referee for the peer-reviewed Journal of Christian Studies
23. 2021 Volume planned: Teuda (the periodical of the School of Jewish Studies of Tel Aviv University) 33, Jewish History and Literature in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (Temporary title), co-edited with Eshbal Ratzon and Yinon Shivtiel.
24. Planned S. Binder (ed.), Idealization and Blood Libel, Philosophers and Cannibals; The Image of the Jews in Greek and Roman Literature of the Time of the Second Temple (Collection of Bezalel Bar-Kochva’s articles in Hebrew; Magness ed. [Hebrew]).
2019-present Member of the advisory board of the collection "Judaïsme ancien et christianisme primitif", Éditions du Cerf, Paris.
25. 2019-present Member of the translation and proofreading department, translation of the Talmud into French, Steinsaltz Center.
26. 2018-present Mediterranean Historical Review. Managing editor.
27. 2012-2019 Talmudic treatises, Shefa and Koren publishing of "Steinsaltz Talmud" in English (Latin and Greek expert).
Participation in International Conferences and visiting lectures:
- Religious Guides to Urbanity: "Idealizing social interactions and confronting reality: contacts between religious communities in third century Carthage" (Erfurt, June 2020).
- Festival Agadot Hazal on Rothschild: "Matronot, Goyim and Minim: The other in Rabbinical Literature", with Michal Bar-Asher Siegal and Ishay Rosen-Zvi (Tel Aviv, December 2019)
- Universität Salzburg I Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte: "Who are the 1st century B.C.E. Dead of the Russian Compound of Jerusalem?" (Salzburg, October 2019).
- The Haifa Center for Mediterranean History: "Nicolaus of Damascus’s text as it has been preserved by Flavius Josephus" (Haifa, June 2018).
· 8TH German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium: (Potsdam, September 2016; commentator of the session on Russian Studies).
- The XVII International Conference on Patristic Studies: "Tertullian in the face of Romanisation; Some Aspects" (Oxford, August 2015).
- The sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies: "Flavius Josephus on the Dead Sea: Sources and Information" (Jerusalem, August 2013).
- The Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies 40th annual congress: "A Gallo-Roman Historian from the Time of Augustus on the Origins of the People of Israel and its Government" (Ramat-Gan, June 2011).
- Diodorus Siculus: Shared Myths, World Community, and Universal History (Glasgow, August-September 2011)
Organization of Conferences:
- "Jews in the Graeco-Roman World: Between Assimilation and Separatism", Bar-Ilan University (Ramat Gan, 20/05/2019).
- "The Journeys of a Jewish Scholar: Flavius Josephus and the Circulation of Ideas in the Early Roman Mediterranean", The Haifa Center for Mediterranean History, with the participation of the French Institute in Israel (Haifa, 10/06/2018).
- "Eretz Israel in Greco-Roman Literature", Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi Institute (Jerusalem, 8/05/2017).
Last Updated Date : 10/03/2024